> is probably the most popular JW forum in the world
I just looked at and it's a firm of attorneys, Jackson Walker???
Do you mean *this* forum?
PS Sorry for the plain text. I tried a number of times to reload the Reply page, but it would not load the rich text formatting options. Peerhaps Simon could advise if there is a problem here?
IT Support
JoinedPosts by IT Support
The Times They Are A Changing - more active witnesses are posting
by truthseeker inis it me, or is there a 'quiet revolution' going on?
maybe 'revolution' is not the correct word.
i just went on e-watchman's site and looked on the guest page.
IT Support
More Ex-Witnesses than Witnesses?
by OHappyDay injehovah's witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (tm) to "prove" that god is blessing them over and above all other religions.
but with so many being disfellowshipped and leaving over the past decades, how many ex-witnesses are there?
with thousands growing wiser and more dissatisfied with wt doctrine, might the number of ex-witnesses over the years now equal the number of witnesses?
IT Support
The Mormons have an unfair advantage. That polygamy thing allows them to reproduce at a faster rate, limited by only the number of wives a guy can support.
After all, they've whole new planets to populate, they'll be worn out, poor things.
Islam also counts the 70 virgins awaiting each martyr.
Maybe there are more similarities between LDS and Islam than there first appear! "Join us and you'll get loads of sex." (If you're a man, that is )
The World Council of Churches reported over a year ago that Islam had surpassed Christianity as the world's religion with the most members.
You may be right, though I felt that wasn't the main point, which was still clearly demonstrated: that a religion's rate of growth is no indication of "God's blessing" ...
More Ex-Witnesses than Witnesses?
by OHappyDay injehovah's witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (tm) to "prove" that god is blessing them over and above all other religions.
but with so many being disfellowshipped and leaving over the past decades, how many ex-witnesses are there?
with thousands growing wiser and more dissatisfied with wt doctrine, might the number of ex-witnesses over the years now equal the number of witnesses?
IT Support
Jehovah's Witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (TM) to "prove" that God is blessing them over and above all other religions.
Very true. Which is why this web site is so interesting.
I think it very eloquently makes the point that if numbers=God's blessing, then JWs ain't got it!
Although it's a Mormon site, I've no reason to question the figures, bearing in mind they're only intended to be 'guess-timates.' (Edited to add that I've just noticed the first column is totally off: no doubt because it's no longer 2002.)
It's just a shame it hasn't been updated since 2002.
Notice the figures at the bottom of the page for Watchtower magazines printed!
by hawkaw in------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- religion today
but a group called silentlambs has still gained visibility in its campaign to change the sexual abuse policies of jehovah's witnesses.. .
religion today.
IT Support
I was on the phone last night to an old (and loyal, though concerned) JW friend.
He mentioned that his aunt (also a loyal but concerned JW living somewhere on the west coast of the USA) sent him a cutting from her local paper with a report on the Silentlambs conference.
We chatted for a while and he's coming over for a longer in-depth discussion.
Keep up the good work, Bill.
US fingerprints 'allied' visitors
by Simon inhow to win friends and influence people?
as if us customs weren't unpleasant enough already ... now they will make everyone feel like a criminal.
i hope we follow the lead of brazil and do the same to all us visitors coming over here.. your country is turning into a police state.
IT Support
I hope we follow the lead of Brazil and do the same to all US visitors coming over here.
I suspect it's inevitable, not as an act of political tit-for-tat, but for highly practical security reasons.
To be brutally honest, so long as any country contains a significant Muslim population, such measures will be necessary for visitors entering from that country, as there is no simple way to differentiate between the 'moderate Muslim' and the 'Islamic terrorist.'
And it would hardly be 'politically correct' to apply these measure only to non-white citizens of these countries...
EBAY SELLS !!!!!!!! UNO Quicky
by Klaus Vollmer in.
dear me, wts gets hard problems in straight un-cohabitation.. soon it might be called "the watchtower gate files".
IT Support
Blondie, RevMalik
Thanks for the suggestions, finally found the item.
Interesting range of books. What a shame he only ships to the USA.
policy changed?
by pudd inplease forgive my ignorance on this matter, but i have been informed that the society have now changed their polices on accusations of child abuse and now will go to the police if there are any allegations made.
even without the 2-witness thing.
if this is true it takes nothing away from their past guilt but i was wondering if it is actually the case that the rules have changed or was i being fobbed off?
IT Support
the society have now changed their polices on accusations of child abuse and now will go to the police if there are any allegations made
The last official policy letter I know of is that dated July 11, 2002. It stated:
"The elders know that it is the absolute right of the victim, his or her family, or anyone else, to report the matter to the authorities if they so choose."
This is a letter carefully crafted by Society lawyers. It cannot say the family should not go to the authorities: the family has the 'absolute right' to do so, in the same sense as anyone has a 'right' to accept a blood transfusion.
Of course, it glosses over that the apparent fact that a majority of abusers are the fathers of the family who have such a hold over the rest of the family that none of them would dare to go to the police.
The letter specifically does not say that the elders will go to the police themselves.
Of course, there may now be something more recent that this, maybe others will know.
EBAY SELLS !!!!!!!! UNO Quicky
by Klaus Vollmer in.
dear me, wts gets hard problems in straight un-cohabitation.. soon it might be called "the watchtower gate files".
IT Support
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New Announcement At The Memorial?
by dawn27 ini was just wondering if anyone has heard anything about an announcement to be made at the memorial this year?
my family is repeatedly pressuring me to go and the newest approach is that they've heard about an announcement, never made before, that concerns innactive ones or ones who have fallen away,, that is all that they would tell me.
are they going to come find and disfellowship us unless we go back or can we now come back "no questions asked" (yah right)?
IT Support
Every year at the end of the memorial there's a portion of the outline designed to "encourage" (emotionally blackmail) all the backsliders to rejoin the cult...
But to answer your question, no, I haven't heard of any special announcement.
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is...Outsourcing
by truthseeker ini received news from an elder i know in another congregation.
he told me that things are changing in the way that bethel is running its operations.. i was informed that bethel no longer makes its own ink, but buys it from other companies.. even in the bethel kitchens, there is no more watchtower chicken - meat is bought from outside, this i believe also goes for milk and dairy products too.. can anyone confirm this?
i have reason to believe it is probably true.. i wonder what would happen if the wt suppliers go out of business?
IT Support
Room 215
If someone were to crunch the numbers (I believe Tom Cabeen once did a simlar exercise) I bet the WTBTS would be much better advised to... outsource all printing.
I heard a rumour that a year or so ago they did "crunch the numbers" and found it was cheaper to outsource the printing! As that was an unacceptable conclusion, they instead decided to try cut printing costs by buying new state-of-the-art presses and create a few 'super-printeries' around the world.
But, of course, that would mean saying ``bye-bye'' to their Shangri La retirement compound in Patterson and end once and for all to the Bethel ``mystique'' that earns them so many perks-- and such adulation -- in their travels within dubdom around the world.
I don't think it would, because all the office workers would remain. If anything, I suppose such an exercise would enhance their 'mystique' becuase there would be far fewer Bethelites to go around.